I recently saw an article on Yahoo about a fourteen year old boy who got arrested while at school over a t-shirt. According to the article, Jared was wearing a shirt this shirt and when he was told by a teacher to take it off and put it back on inside out, he refused. His lawyer said that he was fine from the beginning of the school day until lunch when a teacher said something to him. Jared is a firm believer in the second amendment and thoroughly believes that the government is trying to take away that right. And while the school dress code says they can't wear anything that promotes drugs, alcohol or violence, it says nothing about the NRA which is what the shirt advertised. Not only was he arrested, he was also suspended. When he came back from his suspension he was once again wearing the shirt that sparked this entire event. While I don't know much more than the basics when it comes to the NRA, I applaud Jared for standing up for what he believes in even though he's gotten into so much trouble over it.
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